Skvělá kritika Fibichovy Symfonie č. 1 z Anglie (ČNSO a dirigent Marek Štilec)
Kategorie: Aktuality, vydáno: 11. 07. 2013, Sdílet na Facebook
Mimořádně pozitivní kritika hodnotící novou nahrávku Fibichovy Symfonie č. 1 (ČNSO a mladý dirigent Marek Štilec) vyšla minulý týden ve Velké Británii. Rob Maynard ji dává přednost před řadou jiných světových nahrávek. Je to velký úspěch dirigenta, orchestru i týmu zvukových mistrů Václava Roubala a Karla Soukeníka a vynikající úspěch hudby Zdeňka Fibicha.
Štilec and his band play here with a hugely attractive “rustic” tone that is entirely appropriate to these scores and that entirely escapes Järvi’s Detroit orchestra... In spite of the occasional dramatic flourish that never amounts to much, the symphony’s opening movement is essentially bucolic in character. Within just a few moments, the CNSO’s deliciously fruity woodwinds have transported us magically away into the Bohemian countryside. By the time the memorably lyrical second subject comes along (2:06) I was hooked in a way that Järvi’s account had never managed to achieve in its two decades on my shelves. Štilec’s account is altogether lighter and more airy than that of his rivals, fully in keeping with the emphasis he places on the score’s pastoral elements. His is also an appropriately gentler and more relaxed approach, with an overall timing of 36:45 that comfortably exceeds both Järvi’s (34:13) and Sejna’s (30:05). Thankfully the engineering team of Václav Roubal and Karek Soukeník has done a superb job of keeping the sound crystal clear ...- so that all the woodland rustlings and flutterings that Štilec so carefully teases out can be fully appreciated.
Celá kritika:
Kategorie: Aktuality, vydáno: 11. 07. 2013, Sdílet na Facebook