Kategorie: News, vydáno: 31. 03. 2013, Sdílet na Facebook
...I’m glad to see Arco Diva continuing its laudable championing of the works of Sylvie Bodorová. Her Babadag for clarinet and string quartet (originally string orchestra) was written in 2010 and was informed by the Gypsy music she heard as a child in Šašov in Slovakia and by Romanian music. More than most of her contemporaries, she draws across a range of specific folkloric inspirations. The clarinet offers a melismatic monologue and the quartet provides rather stylised support as well as percussive effects on the body of the instruments. As ever she has crafted a sonically eventful, compact piece...Read more. Jonathan Woolf
Kategorie: News, vydáno: 31. 03. 2013, Sdílet na Facebook